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5 different ways to develop a mobile app

Want to know how to build an app? Several different approaches are now open for you. Tools such as the original React and Flutter (Google's recent addition to the party), which opens up new possibilities when it comes to mobile app development. Read on for a rundown of our five different ways to build an application, to help to decide which one is right for you.

Mobile App Development Companies

01. The original

The default way to develop the phone is to write native code for each device - usually Java for Android and for iOS app development Swift. This can give the best results, but the problem is that you then have two codebases to maintain.

02. Web Display

The earliest way to get around this is to build a 'hybrid' apps that basically given web page in a container mobile app development (referred to as the Web View). Ionic framework is an example of this approach. It has limitations in the user experience and rely on JavaScript 'bridge' to interact with the original service, which can affect performance.

03. The original React

Reacting original release gives us the ability to write JavaScript code (with syntax React) used widgets entirely original. Still using JavaScript runtime but the presentation does not use the HTML and WebView a. This eliminates the major limitations of the older hybrid application but still can suffer from performance problems because of the reliance on JavaScript 'bridge'.

04. Flutter

While they offer the same style reactive development, the main difference between the original Flutter and React is that Flutter dispenses entirely with JavaScript runtime and compile native code for multiple platforms. It offers superior start-up times and application performance. For more on this framework, see our guide to get started with Flutter.

05. Progressive Web Apps

One possible future of mobile app development moving away from the original environment completely. Web APIs now allow a wider interaction between web pages and tools than in the past workers and service means the page can be cached and work offline. This technology is not quite there yet but some people are betting that the future of mobile app development of web technology. For tips on how to get the most out of them now, take a look at our article on the secret nine PWA amazing.

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